About Katherine Porter

Katherine provides comprehensive legal solutions for property owners, developers, and public agencies. With over 20 years of experience, Katherine has a deep understanding of the complexities surrounding land use, property rights, and public acquisitions.

Katherine has represented both private property owners and public agencies in negotiating conditions of development, planning and zoning issues, and the acquisition of private property for public projects. Her clients have included several major transportation agencies throughout southern California as well as developers and other private property owners in eminent domain, inverse condemnation, easement disputes and access rights.

Our principles

We prioritize our clients' needs and goals, providing personalized attention and tailored solutions to protect their rights and achieve favorable outcomes.

Advocacy for Property Owners and Local Agencies

Expertise in Complex Regulations

Client-Centered Approach

With a deep understanding of the intricate regulations and complexities involved in land use and real estate matters, we navigate the legal landscape to deliver effective solutions.

We are dedicated to advocating for the rights of property owners and local agencies, offering strategic guidance and representation in zoning disputes, easement conflicts, and eminent domain cases.

Contact Katherine Porter